Posts Tagged ‘Reebok’


November 16, 2008


Pull up your tight sag and run your ass over to 169 Bowery to peek the new Reebok concept store called FLASH.  It’s here for only one month and each week they will be releasing a limited edition shoe that only has a shelf life of that one week, then it’s replaced by another limited edition shoe for the following week. 1 month = 4 shoes to collect in all.  The store will have limited edition apparel and other footwear as well.  Be sure to go on the days where the young whipper snappers won’t be running around and acting like those lady’s when they sell wedding dresses at a discount.  You know, like this:

(I identify with the red sweater lady)


February 28, 2008


So in the new streetwear world of re-producing every single throwback and capitalizing on everything from the late 80’s and early 90’s enough to make you vomit neon, Reebok pulled out all the stops with re-introducing….(drum roll)…THE PUMP! At first, I was getting ready to let the jaded streetwearer lingo fly and tear into this release with pure fury when something happened. I remembered that first day. That first day which which birthed the habit that has been turning off women since grade school…collecting sneakers. I remembered that historic morning when I walked into class and officially became the first kid in my school to have Pumps. That’s right Mike Martinez, it was me and not you, you were one week too late sucka. They where white, neon yellow with black trim, fresh twisted leather detail on the sides and the envy of every kid in school. At lunch, kids took turns pumping the shoe and pressing the release to hear that sweet sound of psssssssssssssssss. It was pure bliss. I never realized that this shoe was the one that started it all. Sure, a few years went by and there was a shameful Birkenstock phase, but it all comes back to one shoe, The Pump. So I shall let this one pass without drinking a full cup of haterade. I’m still not going to buy them, but it shall pass. Shit…on second thought, I’ll probably buy them. Nostaligia is a mother fucker. To see the rest of the designs, click that link right HERE: (more…)