Archive for November, 2008


November 20, 2008


Art and Design star KAWS kicked custom cover art for the highly anticipated, extremely vocoded, 808’s and Heartbreak the new album from Kanye West aka Yeezy aka The Louis Vuitton Don.  The cover art is available exclusively through iTunes when the album hits on November 25th.  The KAWS album will be available in stores on December 16th as a special edition Christmas Album.  The dunks were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Yeezy soon would be there.  Ho’s Ho’s Ho’s.


Source: Supertouch


November 16, 2008


Pull up your tight sag and run your ass over to 169 Bowery to peek the new Reebok concept store called FLASH.  It’s here for only one month and each week they will be releasing a limited edition shoe that only has a shelf life of that one week, then it’s replaced by another limited edition shoe for the following week. 1 month = 4 shoes to collect in all.  The store will have limited edition apparel and other footwear as well.  Be sure to go on the days where the young whipper snappers won’t be running around and acting like those lady’s when they sell wedding dresses at a discount.  You know, like this:

(I identify with the red sweater lady)


November 12, 2008


This morning I was given a free New York Times with the headline “IRAQ WAR ENDS”.  The paper is dated July 4th, 2009 and in the top left corner the statement, “All the news we hope to print”. This elaborate prank is hitting the busy subway stations of New York this morning and early rumors attribute this elaborate hoax to THE YES MEN, a liberal prank group, who even set up a NY Times mimic website with the stories and links to other liberal organizations.  The 15 page paper is filled with articles and ads all pushing towards a utopian world where war has ended, oil companies are pushing for environmental causes, universal healthcare and much more.  The New York Times has a disclaimer already posted with more information on the hoax that can be found here. An official Times spokesman said, “This is obviously a fake issue of The Times. We are in the process of finding out more about it.”



November 6, 2008


The NYC STORMHUNTERS scavanger hunt starts today.  In the next 10 days NYC residents get their chance to get the new Blackberry Storm for FREE.  That’s right, Faaaa Reeee.  The Verizon Wireless Blackberry Storm Chasers is a scavenger hunt with over 40 participating venues in Manhattan.  In each of these venues there is a Blackberry display hidden inside, on that display there is a number and keyword to text in for that particular store.  Then POOF! You are registered to win.  The more you find, the more times you are entered.  You can enter each keyword once a day for the next 10 days.  5 Storms will be given away daily as well as ten $100 gift certificates given away each day too.  This is probably one of the most innovative promotions I’ve seen in a while.   Go, play, enter, win and then you can have the priviledge of saying, “Yo, I got this phone before it even was released” or if you prefer “Copped it before Kanye got it son!” It’s the gold medal in the streetwear olympics, the “I got this and you don’t” event.  So Usain Bolt yourself out on the streets and be the envy of all your friends. Beyond the cracks on the young and tight sagged,  I’ll even admit I have been playing too.  Used my lunch break to find 15 spots.  Check the website for rules and praticipating stores or you can start right now by texting EVILLAGE to 41039 to start the hunt.


November 5, 2008


I have never been so proud and humbled, than at this moment, to call myself an American.

Thank You.

“…while we still breath, there’s hope.”


November 3, 2008

A Quebec comedy duo notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state has reached Sarah Palin, convincing the Republican vice-presidential nominee she was speaking with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.  In the roughly six-minute telephone interview released Saturday, Palin and the pranksters known as the Masked Avengers discuss politics, pundits, and the perils of hunting with Vice-President Dick Cheney.

As much as I think MTV is ruining the minds of youth everywhere, with no more videos and marathons of spoiled bitchy teenagers on repeat, this is still the first thing that came to mind when I heard the prank phone call,  Palin got:

Deviant Decorum was on scene and has the exclusive remarks made by Sarah Palin and her reaction to the call (we probably made this up…but with her, who knows.):

“Where’s Ashton?  Bring him out.  Ashton?  No Ashton? ……..oh, he’s voting for that Arab guy too?  Well, if Ashton didn’t do it then …… oh…two radio show hosts?” ……. “Well darn, I was really counting on that MTV vote, because the lord knows that this great country provides our young men and women to have the greatest sweet 16 party’s in the world and Senator McCain and myself want to fix that economy so we can get back to what makes this country so great, the privilage of being able to throw a temper tantrum when your parents buy you a car in the wrong color.  I know the mom’s out there can understand what I’m….wait … does this mean Xzibit is not goin’ to pimp out my snowmobiles? No?…..oh, he’s voting for that other guy too?…..well after this election I was planning on riding them over to my Dancing With the Stars audition…”


November 3, 2008

This is a great take on the Puma ads for olympian Usain Bolt that were flipped by an unkown artist into an Obama poster,  via Wooster Collective.  With the election tomorrow, we here at Deviant Decorum would like to ask you to please vote.  It matters now more than ever before…after you vote take the rest off the day off work because of the “long lines” and get some yum yum.

Also, please be aware that if you live in Delaware, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Vermont you CAN NOT show up to the polls wearing any apparel or accessory that is for or against the nominee’s.  You will be asked to remove all articles or turn your shirts inside out.   Considering the amount of artists and designers who have released clothing in support of Obama, this is well worth mentioning.

Did anyone else catch Chris Rock on Larry King talking about the election?  Peep a clip, it was pretty good: